
Creating and maintaining websites since 2002...ish.


I’m not talking about transcendental meditation or any other type of meditation that involves anything hokey or Woo Woo type of stuff. Mindful Mediation is about teaching your brain and your body to reconnect. As Child Trauma survivors, we had to learn how to ignore or shelve away the awful emotions and feelings we had. […]


Have you reached a time in your life that certain behaviours or some mindsets aren’t quite working for you anymore? Are you noticing challenges socially, relationally, professionally? Have you hit a block somewhere and can’t seem to get past it? Are you finding that you are overly sensitive to criticism? Are you noticing that you […]


When we have been abused physically, sexually, or emotionally as a child we don’t know what to do with the horrible feelings that we have inside of us. At such a young age, our brains are still developing so we are unable to comprehend that we are being coerced, manipulated, shamed, dominated or groomed or […]

Respect and Boundaries

This means to hold in high regard or esteem, admiration given by others Boundaries are all wrapped up in respect, respect for self first and then for others. After enduring CSA [childhood sexual abuse] at an early age, obviously I felt was something ‘off but couldn’t quite put a finger on what “it” is. I […]


After hearing  Brene’s podcast with Harriet Lerner on Apologizing I was reminded of some important truths: Those who’ve done the most damage often are the least able to apologize. Those who do a lot of harm do so because they come from a place of their own deep shame. The non-apologizers walk along a tight […]


Why is my memory not working right? Lab tests have shown that when trauma happens, the frontal lobe shuts down, including the region necessary to put feelings into words, the region that creates a sense of location in time, and the thalamus, which integrates the raw data of incoming sensations. Under ordinary conditions the rational […]

Spiritual Abuse

How familiar are you with the topic of Spiritual Abuse, Emotional Abandonment and Child Abuse? I often have heard that child abuse is Spiritual Abuse and while managing to *see how having an adult caregiver is cold and distant can impact a child’s relationship with God I wasn’t able to see beyond that. Here is […]

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