Welcome to

Hilton Coaching and Consulting



So often during a traumatic childhood the message landed as – you don’t matter – and you probably felt invisible. Chances are, this belief stayed with you ever since. I understand. Here at Hilton Coaching & Consulting, YOU DO MATTER. Your pain matters, your feelings, thoughts, insights, dreams, experiences – they ALL matter. Through my heart-centered approach involving Compassion, Acceptance, Safety, Attunement [CASA] you will be supported in Transforming your Travesty into Triumph

Let’s get to know one another…

I became committed to my healing and was determined to improve my quality of life, gain mastery over my emotions, develop healthy boundaries, find out who I am and give myself what I sorely lacked during my precious developmental years – acknowledgement, appreciation, acceptance, approval, connection, and worthiness.

Who better to heal me and parent me than Me? I came to know what I needed and when, and YOU CAN TOO!

There is HOPE
You are invited to work with me

Here is your CASA – your Go-To Home where you can feel Compassion, Acceptance, Safety and Attunement. To experience this, these refreshing values will be blended with gaining knowledge and insight thus satisfying your curiosity about why you are the way you are – all without judgement.


Compassion is fellow feeling [empathy] coupled with the desire to reach out and support or help. Most likely as a childhood trauma survivor, you didn’t experience enough compassion for you to feel safe and appreciated. Here we offer what you may not have experienced while growing up. 

Acceptance means you do not have to be on guard nor worry about being judged. Here is where you are accepted for where you are at now in your healing journey and accepted for how your childhood trauma impacted your life. None of what happened to you is your fault – NONE of it. Here is where your peers are so you can experience community in a safe format. You are not alone.

Safety is a sensation that tells you that you can finally breathe that sigh of relief. You can feel at ease, feel protected, comforted, cared for, valued and loved. When you feel safe, your body can focus on healing. Here is where providing and ensuring there is psychological and emotional safety is number one!


Attunement goes beyond empathy. It is where you feel a deep resonance in the heart, a sense of “feeling felt” that comes from close relationships. It is feeling heard, seen, and understood. When we feel attuned to, we feel connected and validated – we feel loved. Living becomes much more enjoyable and satisfying. Attunement is a beautiful gift!

Join our Kaleidoscope Community [KC] and begin the healing process!

  • Here’s your safe, peaceful place where to relax and receive the support you seek. Here we all endeavor to support each other to feel heard, validated, seen and cared about.  
  • The monthly meetings will be held the first Thursday (in am) and the second Monday (in pm) of each month. A zoom link will be posted in the KC forum chat before each meeting
  • Please go to the Services page to learn more about other wonderful perks
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