To answer this question, it would be helpful to be clear on how therapy and coaching support those who’ve suffered and survived egregious violations.


  • Therapy is a necessary component to trauma recovery. Like any serious injury one goes to hospital or trauma centre to make sure the severe injuries are addressed first. Likewise with an emotional injury – one would go to a specialist to address the initial critical wounds of the abuse. This would be a therapist, psychologist, counsellor, psychiatrist, etc. These mental health professionals can diagnose.


  • Once this critical situation is addressed the person then leaves the hospital but usually has some sort of physiotherapy so that support is in place for adaptation to living, thus learning the right skills to cope and manage life going forward. This is where Trauma Recovery Coaching [TRC] comes into focus.


  • TRC focuses on providing support for current challenges, with a trauma-educated lens by offering healthier coping strategies, healthy communication skills, supporting greater self-awareness and self-compassion, which increases self-confidence and self-worth so that life can be lived in freedom and authenticity. We do not diagnose.


  • Interpersonal trauma needs healthy interpersonal relationships to heal. TRC provides that safe place and space for you to experience a healthy relationship where you can begin to trust, to get clear on what happened and its impact in your present life plus re-connecting and re-discovering who you are.


Does this sound like something that would help you? Do you think you are ready for this next step?


First you need to know where you are at now in your healing journey. Have you had some therapy and or have healed to a certain level and reached a point where you could use some extra support in this next phase of trauma recovery? Have you taken your ACEs test? What is your score?



How well do you know yourself?


  • Are you finding that you are feeling stuck?
  • Are caught up in the *doom loop* thinking?
  • Do you hold yourself back from making certain decisions?
  • Do you find that you’re making the same unhealthy relationship choices? Or would classify yourself as relationship-challenged?
  • Do you want to increase your self-esteem?
  • Do you find that TRUST is a big challenge for you?
  • Are you finding that previous coping strategies are no longer serving you?
  • Do you second-guess yourself?
  • Do you want to have more self-confidence?
  • Are you noticing that you struggle with procrastination or struggle to complete a task/project?
  • How is your patience level – with self and others?
  • Are you a perfectionist?
  • Do you prefer to not be noticed?
  • How are your communication skills?
  • Do you tend to take on the guilt of a situation even when it is not really your fault?
  • Do you think you are just *not good enough*?
  • Is there a part of you that believes there is something seriously wrong with you?
  • Are you fed up with your life the way it is now and long for a better quality of living – where there is more authenticity and a sense of freedom?
  • Have you been diagnosed [through self or a MH professional] that you have Complex PTSD.


If you’ve answered YES to a lot of these questions, then Trauma Recovery Coaching may be the appropriate next step for you at this time.


If you are ready to proceed with a Discovery Call, these questions are very important for you to be clear on so you can feel right that this is the best next step for you.


  1. What exactly has brought you here at this time?  (What outcome or recovery goals are you hoping for if we work together?”)
  2. What do you hope to get out of a Discovery Call? (Do you have particular questions/concerns or want help figuring out what you should be doing or want to work with me specifically or….?”)
  3. Why are you looking for help? Not simply what problem you’re looking to solve but WHY? (What does this problem / hoped for solution mean to you?”)
  4. What objections or concerns do you have? (Maybe there’s none; maybe there’s 30…lay ’em on me”)
  5. Is there anything about you that feels important for me to be aware of?  (Preferred pronouns, ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation, spirituality, particular experiences….”)
  6. How committed and ready are you to do the hard work at healing from your trauma?
  7. What do you want to know about me [that is not on my web site] that will help you decide to take the next step?

When booking the Discovery Session please e-mail your answers to these 7 questions, giving me 48 hrs minimum, to review before we have our Discovery Session. I want to be on the same page as you for our session.  [feel free to copy/paste these questions]

I look forward to hearing from you!




Lisa B Hilton is an Advanced Certified Trauma Recovery Coach [CTRC-A] who supports Adult survivors of childhood trauma Transform their Travesty into Triumph.

Lisa Hilton, CTRC-A, founder of Hilton Coaching & Consulting. I am a trauma coach; I educate, consult, and am a published author. I work with adult survivors of Childhood Trauma and those suffering from Complex PTSD so they can Transform their Travesty into Triumph, one step at a time.

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