I feel sorry for those who don’t understand the impact of interpersonal trauma, which is what childhood trauma is.

Doing the hard work at figuring out what has been underneath my health and social challenges has made a big difference in my life.

In the past I’ve felt frustrated and hurt that certain people didn’t bother to try to understand me and what I was going through. Now I release all this because I know it’s their choice to remain ignorant.

That said, there is no need to tolerate the misjudgments, criticism, false accusations, nor opinions based on ignorance.  And when it’s done to silence me,  this type of manipulation and bullying is even worse. While I understand this usually comes from some sort of fear and shame, that doesn’t mean I have to take it.

Why? It’s a form of emotional abuse and I will not allow myself to be abused and disrespected any more. Tolerating mistreatment is not showing loyalty to my own health and well being and it’s not showing loyalty to God. How so? God gave all of us the gift of life and free will including me. If I tolerate abuse, am I showing respect for my own gift of life – the one He gave me?

Knowing the physical damage that all abuse causes, I cannot with a clean conscience tolerate abusive speech. I will not allow my physical health to be compromised. It would be foolish for me to do so.

To restate what I said, I feel sorry for those who choose ignorance and deal treacherously with those who’ve been abused as children. God is watching and He’s listening.

I’ve come a long way in rebuilding my life and I won’t let anyone take away my joy and purpose. I choose peace.

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